正如法国当代女性运动(MLF)领袖,著名的心理分析学家安托瓦内特·福克( Antoinette Fouque)所说的:“女性应该思考如何去改变那个困住她们的社会结构而不是逃避它;思考如何用女性的身体去表现和言说......这个世界忽略了两性的存在,这是非常反常和病态的”。她的论著 « 两性 »( « Il y a deux sexes ») 所提出的”子宫力比多”( Libido creandi )从精神分析和政治考量上提出一种新的女性主义理论和方法论,得出女性生育的欲望是最原始和最根本的创造力,她把它叫做“子宫的欲望”(Libido uterine),这种创造力是完全可以与男性创造力对等,媲美和抗衡的。
LeWen ZHONG as an artist, was born in 1983. She has been living and working in Paris since her graduated from the École Européenne Supérieur d’Art de Bretagne in 2014.
My creative ideas originate from my daily life, as well as personal experience and inner dialogue. Analyzing issues from feminine perspective, exploring themes and getting to the points, I focus on the presentation of intuition and delicate sensibility. Exploiting personal experience and body language to find the creative clues, I present a relationship between herself, family life and the social environment in my art works to reflect the feminine situation in the culture of contemporary society, to think about the female character and female power in our society.
As the famous psychoanalyst Antoinette Fouque (co-founder of the Movement for the Liberation of Women (MLF)) said: after years of work, practice and theorization, I want to find the way that the women do not escape this structure where they are trapped, but to emerge and speak as women… she considers that the world’s ignorance of the existence of two sexes is abnormal and morbid. Her work <il y a deux sexes> developpe a theoretical analysis of the struggle of women which she calls Féminologie (sciences of women), proposing a new methodology combining psychoanalysis and politics (a practice which she calls Psychoanalysis and Politics), concluding that the desire for female fertility is the most primitive and fundamental creativity, a double competence which she calls the libido creandi that means both reproductive creation and artistic creation. This kind of creativity is completely rival with the male creativity.
个人网站 website:https://zhonglewen.wixsite.com/lewen
邮箱 email:zhonglewen@live.cn
《动物面具》 毛线和填充物 2010-2012年, 300 x 400 x 180厘米, 真人雕塑 《Animal masks》 wool and wadding, 2010-2012, 300x400x180cm, living sculpture
《挂在床头的宝宝玩具》毛线和填充物 2013年 270 x 150 x 300厘米 装置
《Mobile for children》wool and wadding, 2013, 270 x 150 x 300cm, installation
《藏一藏系列之亚当和夏娃》布,丝线和铁丝 2019年 120 x 100 厘米 刺绣绘画
《The series of hide and seek: Adam and Ève》linen, silk thread and wire, 2019 120 x 100cm, embroidery painting