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周平 Ping Zhou

周平(Ping Zhou)

出生于中国四川,1997年访学荷兰阿姆斯特丹Rietveld Art Academy,1998年毕业于中国西南师范大学美术学院,获油画硕士学位。1999年始,至今工作生活于日本横浜。先后被特例推荐为日本亚西亚美術協会会員、日本近代美術協会会員。国際美術評論家選考委員会A.M.S.C認定藝術家。

2004年荣获東京銀座SUDOH美術館举办的“青年艺术家传言展”最優秀奖,企划個展奖。2006年获日本《美術之窗》杂志評为当代倍受瞩目藝術家之一。2008年荣获日本世界堂Think Global Art Japan 絵画龚古尔展缪斯奖。2017年荣获日本近代美術公募展库萨卡贝奖。


Ping Zhou

Born in Sichuan, China, she studied at Rietveld Art Academy in Amsterdam, Holland in 1997, and graduated from Southwest Normal University, China, with a master's degree in oil painting in 1998. since 1999, she has been working and living in Yokohama, Japan. She has been specially recommended as a member of the Asian Art Association of Japan and the Modern Art Association of Japan. She is an accredited artist by the International Art Critics Selection Committee A.M.S.C.

In 2004, she was awarded the most outstanding prize in the "Messages from Young Artists Exhibition" held by Ginza SUDOH Museum in Tokyo, and the prize for planning a solo exhibition; in 2006, she was selected as one of the most highly regarded contemporary artists by Art Window magazine in Japan; in 2008, she was awarded the "Think Global Art Japan" painting prize by the World Hall in Japan. In 2017, she was awarded the Kusakabe Prize in Japan Modern Art Association Exhibition.

Her works have been collected by art museums and private collections in Japan, Germany, Spain, Belgium and other countries.




Bird'n Woman No.2,

布面油画 oil on canvas,1303x970mm,

周平Ping Zhou作于2001年


Person Playing-the Thread No.5,

布面油画 oil on canvas,1620x1303mm,

周平Ping Zhou作于2014年


Food ・Summer,

布面油画 oil on canvas,600x1460mm,

周平Ping Zhou作于2020年


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