HE Yu is an avid contemporary art practioner in the fields of the performance art, video, photography, physical theater,painting and poetry. She has a bachelor degree in Literature from Nan Jing University and Master degree in Commerce from University of New South Wales. For over 10 years, she was an urban professional working in business while she had a fortuitous encounter that would change the course of her life forever. The encounter with contemporary art, was such a revelation that the overwhelming passion she felt then has yet to subside. Self-taught and instinctual, she took her way of embracing with contemporary art as opportunity of creative freedom, a natural celebration of giving full expression to her need to create. In the past two years, HE Yu has presented her works of different media widely at art festivals, independent spaces and museums.
艺术家网站 Website: www.artistheyu.com
联系邮箱 email: 2598092802@qq.com

行为作品 “盖娅之光“ 实施于 “在云上现场艺术节”, 2019年
Performance work “ The Light of Gaia”, Over the Cloud Live Art Festival, 2019

行为作品“ 一个圈” 实施于 “在云上现场艺术节”, 2019年
Performance work “ One Circle”, Over the Cloud Live Art Festival, 2019

绘画作品 “在满溢的泉水中心“ 70 X50 CM, 布面丙烯, 2021
Painting, “In the center of brimming fountain” 70X50 cm, acrylic on canvas, 2021